Проекционная реклама в Казани | Гефест Проекция

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Our affiliated firm in Kazan

The branch in Kazan began its activity in 2013. Trying to enter the market of Tatarstan we faced a set of difficulties but persistence, diligence and fight for result of our team gave real results.

Nowadays the Kazan branch is represented by team of 3 managers of customer service, a senior manager and a head of branch. We actively advance products of our company in the market of Tatarstan. Professional managers are always ready to answer all interesting questions quickly and to help with decision-making.

The office of the Kazan branch is located at "Relita" center. It is possible to get necessary advice there and also to estimate advantages of the offered interactive equipment in real time.

"Gefest Projection" company worked with different company in Kazan, for example: Shopping Center "Korston", JSC "Alfa-Bank", "Luciano Residens", "Navigator Kampus", "Kurazh", University "Innopolis", Management of "Universiade", "KETZ".