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Sensor booths

Floor sensor booths combine not only nice appearence and comfort, but also the richest functionality. The hardware stuff consists of the newest processors, solid-state stores are used for storage of information. Motherboards are failure-safe therefore operation of the device is characterized by stability. Floor sensor booths can solve a set of tasks quickly and effectively. The multi-touch booth is used for various purposes, it is used on exhibition platforms or presentations. The device can be met in the public, medical, banking institutions. The modern touch screen can support several contacts at the same time that makes work of the equipment more convenient and productive.

The special tempered glass with higher strength characteristics is used, external appeal is applied to production of devices. The case can be entirely manufactured of the tempered glass or metal if it is required to provide conditions of the increased durability. For example it is better to use the most attractive and presentable models for showrooms, presentations of the latest product, for receptions. It is recommended to choose strong models which will perfectly sustain all service conditions for establishments with intensive passability . The case won't grow dull over time, won't lose the appeal, won't become covered by scratches.

New opportunities and results

Modern technologies are popular in marketing and information spheres, sensor terminals and booths are the best confirmation of it. The multi-touch device is equipped with the richest functionality. It is possible to see terminals with the touch panel not only at exhibitions, in banks, but also in museums, educational institutions, big shopping centers, in clinics. The modern sensor booth can be considered as the new virtual employee. The circle of tasks is recommended to be expanded.

The multi-touch device can be chosen in full accordance with a necessary circle of tasks. On sale there are simple information terminals for transfer of necessary information or difficult and hi-tech models which opportunities are much wider. Developers of touch terminals constantly work on expansion of a range of the tasks. Program providing is selected taking into account purpose of the terminal. Appearance and a set of functions are developed in strict accordance with requirements and the customer's wishes.

Advantages of multi-touch booths and terminals

Pluses of use of sensor equipment are obvious today. The multi-touch device gradually enter to ordinary life. It isn't simple decoration of an interior, it's an effective tool and a solution of the whole range of tasks. Terminals are necessary for various spheres of business today. They are useful in banking and at receptions, in educational institutions as well.

Some advantages should be noted. First that information and advertising services never was such available and simple. The visitor or the potential client has an opportunity of fast and accurate interaction with the equipment. Any data, references, information become available. The models offered in the market differ with functionality, a number of the solved tasks, appearance, convenience of work. Specialists of the company will choose not only suitable design for the device, but they will record content, they will make tuning of the equipment.

Touch display opens the most wide range of opportunities to any company:

• existence of system of the interactive navigation expands possibilities of the terminal;

• possibility of commission of various money transfers, receiving means, carrying out payments for services;

• carrying out bank operations, including transfers, fees, credits, obtaining any necessary information on the personal account;

• possibility of receiving reference information, both general type and highly specialized. Such terminals  are more actively used in libraries, museums, educational institutions. They provide the information on a certain subject reducing time for searches of the necessary information.

Purpose of sensor booths

Touch terminals allow not only to receive information but also to connect to the Internet. The multi-touch device will help to register in reception to the expert, to learn the schedule of electric trains. It is excellent opportunity for people not only to receive the demanded information but also to do some actions with speed and clearness. The main advantage of sensor booths consists that their interface is intuitively clear, simple, there is no need to have special skills or experience to deal with difficult computer equipment.

Complete set of the touch terminal is simple and convenient. The system block and touch screen are used together. They are located in the attractive and user-friendly case. Thanks to their simplicity and reliability virtual booths are applied in:

• transport sphere;

• medical institutions;

• trade sphere;

• housing-and-municipal enterprises;

• banking institutions;

• touristic sphere;

• for carrying out effective advertising campaigns.

Multi-touch novelty is especially convenient in the medical sphere.Sensor booths can be used as "the patient's monitor". After authorization a person will see on the screen the individual schedule of procedures, time of visit of the doctor, a regularity of taking medicines, results of analyses. The new device will help to the personnel of registries and to patients who spend time waiting for the expert. Sensor booths are the convenient and functional devices allowing to save time and to minimize expenses.