Проекционная реклама в Казани - Новости, цена, аренда и продажа



Presentation of the new X6 at BMW Motor Avilon

Презентация нового x6 в автосалоне Авилон БМВ

The modern media advertising is a combination of the latest developments, use of qualitative materials and content which turn a simple video into the most realistic and working. The special place among various development in this area is taken by Microtiles display.


Virtual promoter at the exhibition at Digital October “FarmMedProm”

Виртуальный промоутер на выставке ФармМедПром в Digital October

During "Farmmedprom" exhibitionwas presented in Digital October the modern innovative stand was shown. It took all visitors around itself. The special exhibition virtual promoter was developed for "Kazan Electrotechnical Plant".


Interactive vertical kiosk and interactive floor truss design at the exhibition in Technopolis

Интерактивный вертикальный киоск и интерактивный пол с фермовой конструкцией на выставку в Технополисе

The exhibition equipment differs with a big variety but the purpose is the one – to present information conveniently and unostentatiously, to force the visitor to stop. "Gefest Projection" company provided in rent a modern interactive floor and a vertical interactive booth at the exhibition organized in "Technopolis" .