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Augmented reality glasses

Augmented Reality Glasses in Kazan

Nowadays technologies which seemed something fantastic few years ago become daily occurrence. A fashionable and useful gadget is glasses of augmented reality. What this fashionable novelty is and why is it gaining unprecedented popularity?

Oculus Rift project was submitted to public in 2012, it collected at once about 2,4 million dollars of profit, thus a  half of this ammount was received in the first 36 hours of sales. The project is presented for the general publicsince with the model form with much more modest characteristics than it was declared first. Though the gadget is still being updated and supplemented. However even a little limited functionality of Oculus Rift provides huge demand. 

Rent glasses augmented reality in Kazan

Glasses of augmented reality have such characteristics:

• the diagonal viewing angle is 110 degrees;

• the horizontal viewing angle is equal to 90 degrees;

• the sensor of movement works with frequency of 1000 Hertz.

At all the complexity the equipment is easy to disassemble, it's easy to repair it with use of available tools which aren't so difficult for getting. Maintenance of glasses is extremely simple, tunings are performed under specific needs of the user, no difficulties in management are presented. The glasses Oculus Rift include a set from three lenses providing adjustment of focal length.

Price glasses augmented reality in Kazan

Prospects and possibilities of application

The virtual reality didn't gain today universal distribution but it's a matter of time. Every year there is the next technical novelty which is capable to make the real revolution of consciousness. The virtual reality is here but now that seemed new earlier and extremely perfect, gradually gives way to unique developments. Glasses Oculus Rift are the real break but their creation was based on long-term work of big team of experts. For today it is one of the most popular gadgets.

The cost of the augmented reality glasses in KazanGlasses "Okulus rift" are a combination of innovative technologies and creative ideas. Where exactly it is possible to use glasses of augmented reality? The sphere of use of the virtual equipment is wide. This universal device is convenient for viewing of video, games. Such equipment is already tested in medicine today, facilitating work of the medical personnel when carrying out various diagnostic procedures. Modern glasses found demand in the military sphere. The gadget Oculus Rift can be applied to traine driving of teenagers. Today special development which allows not only to learn but also as much as possible to experience all subtleties of behavior on roads are created.

The cost of the augmented reality glasses in KazanWith help of glasses of augmented reality it is possible to communicate on social networks, thus realness of the image and full feeling of presence of the person helps you to feel in the future. Not so long ago Oculus Rift started developing the independent social network called Utherverse. As you could be already convinced, three-dimensional communication is not a fantasy but the most real reality which is already available to many people.

Than why Oculus Rift 2 model is more perfect?

It differs from the basic version a little, but quality is still high, as well as technical characteristics. The design includes the seven-inch screen which is produced by Chimei Innolux – the well-known company which production plans are used by Apple. The first basic glasses model acts as a prototype, it had the display on 5,6 inches, but developers decided to increase a diagonal as big screens are demanded among people nowadays. The new version of glasses has the screen with the resolution of 1920*1080 that will make the image more ideal.

The cost of the augmented reality glasses in KazanFrom back part of the screen it is equipped with the controler, the movement sensor is placed there. The new model got the processor on 72 MHz, the special six-axis controler of the movement, the three-axis magnetometer work for it. Glasses Oculus Rift can be connected to the computer, compatibility with many game platforms is planned. There are exits of HDMI, Mini USB, the socket for connection of a source of additional food. The second version of glasses has the convenient IK-camera (tracker) for additional tracking of the movement of the head in space. The weight of this model is 380 g, it's more than a prototype because of the increased display diagonal. Further it is planned to improve a tracker, resolution of the display, to make consumer price more democratic. 

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Developers promised to surprise public with the new version of glasses Oculus Rift. We will hope that the fashionable gadget will become more universal and more available to the simple inhabitant. 

Очки дополненной реальности
Стоимость, руб вкл. НДС

Очки дополненной реальности OCULUS RIFT 2

55 000


Стоимость аренды за 1 сутки, руб вкл. ндс
Наименование 1 день 2 дня Выставка

Очки дополненной реальности OCULUS RIFT 2

12 000
22 000
30 000


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